Why does he do that?

Libby and I have a cat, a wonderful cat who goes by the name of Keziah.
But Keziah is like all cats. She is demanding and self-centred, greedy and sometimes destructive. She is always after something. We get up in the morning and she is immediately asking for food. After she has eaten, she wants to be on my knee and for me to start petting her. Then she wants out. Then she wants in. Then she wants fed. Then she wants petted. Then she wants out. And so it goes on. She has even learned to beg like a dog for food. She is always after something, and if we ignore her she might resort to picking the carpet to bits with her claws.
Why do we do it?

Stephen Hawking: God did not create Universe

Stephen Hawking says there is no need to invoke God to set the Universe going. He adds: “Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist. It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going.”

Sorry, God, you are not needed – someone greater than you has spoken. Never mind the fact that he doesn’t say where the law of gravity came from in the first place.

Living Dead

I read a report the other day that death rates are falling in the UK. As I was saying in a recent post, I like numbers, and I am fairly good at Maths. On the basis of my love of numbers, I would like to correct that report. I might sound like a boring, gloomy accountant, but death rates are not falling, they never will. They will always be 100%.