I was surfing through the TV channels one night and stopped on the God Channel (something I don’t often do). The man speaking was challenging all those listening to find out what “God’s Ways” are.
The next day, I was reading the book of Exodus in the bible, chapter 33 and there Moses is asking God to show him “His Ways”.
This got me thinking.(Not easy for me). We know who God is, (if we’re in a relationship with Him). He is the creator of everything and He’s also my heavenly Father. We know what God does, because we can read of many mighty miraculous accounts of things he’s done in the bible. And those of us who know Him can testify to God doing mighty things in our lives and the lives of others.
But how does He do that?
As I was pondering this, I came across 1 Corinthians and chapter 13. All about love. I know this chapter well because Robert and I had it read out at our wedding ceremony.(Awww). The essence of it is this. Even if I can do all things and know all things but don’t have the ability to love or be loved, then it all means nothing. Love is the key.
I once heard of a Mum who’s young child was knocked down and trapped under the car. When she got to the scene, the Mum, without thinking, lifted the car up so that her child could be freed. What drove her and indeed gave her the power to do such a thing? I think it could be the power of LOVE. The love for her child gave her the power to do what would normally be an impossible thing for a normal Mum.
In the same way, I think God does the impossible through the power of His love , which is vast, really, really huge. In fact it’s as big as God Himself – because my bible says God is Love.