7 – The Big Sea

For most of the first 20 years of my life I lived next to the Clyde, a beautiful river with stunning scenery around it. Where I was, the river was very wide and was for most of the time calm. Occasionally the wind would get up and the river would get a bit choppy and…

6 – Yesterday’s Tomorrow

I spent a lot of time thinking about the title of today’s episode – Tears for Fears, Yesterday, Perfect Day, Tomorrow Never Comes, All Our Yesterdays – and a couple of dozen others that I can’t remember for the life of me. Maybe I can’t remember the others because of all my yesterdays. I did…

5 – Waiting Still

I have a special friend who has a dog. Angus isn’t just any dog. Angus is a springer spaniel. Those of you who have ever been in contact with a springer spaniel will know that Angus is different. Angus is a nutter. Until my health took a turn, I used to take Angus out for…

4 – Where is God when you need him?

Look at the image above. What do you see? Probably a black spot. It’s a small spot, but you don’t really notice all the white around it. That small spot is in fact actually only 0.2% of the whole image. But it’s a big small spot, isn’t it? It’s also a powerful small spot -…